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Increasing semen and sexual energy "Garlic" - Usage Method - BD Health Bangla

Increasing semen and sexual energy "Garlic" - Usage Method - Garlic increases semen and sexual energy-Method of Uses
Increasing semen and sexual energy "Garlic" - Usage Method - BD Health Bangla
Increasing-semen-and-sexual-energy-Garlic-Usage-Method - BD Health Bangla 

Garlic gives very good results in the case of male sexual disabilities. Garlic is called 'poor penicillin'. Because it acts as an antiseptic and it is the most accessible vegetable that we take almost daily as food. Its use is very effective in reducing your sexual desire. It helps you regain your sexual desire due to any disease or accident. Apart from this, if a person's sexual desire is too high or excessive, the excessive use of which can damage the nervous system, and garlic is very useful in the case.

According to the World Health Organization, if every million sperm has less than 20 million sperm, then any male can become barren. Bad eating habits, smoking, alcohol, uncontrolled life, lack of exercise, etc. are increasing day by day. Especially helpful spice garlic. Because the pair of garlic to prepare healthy semen (sperm)

Increasing semen and sexual energy Garlic - Usage Method - BD Health Bangla
Increasing-semen-and-sexual-energy-Garlic-Usage-Method - BD Health Bangla 

Usage: -

Regular rules of body kabaya raw garlic play a long life in the body of youth. Those who have gone into adulthood, they can eat khoya garlic on a daily basis by singing pure khoya garlic pure ghee. But after drinking it should be a little hot water or milk. It will get good results.
To protect the youth, garlic can be eaten in other ways. One or two quotas of garlic paste can be eaten with 2 or 1 spoon of raw amalokir juice. In this, there is the longevity of both the male and female mates.

Alert: -

Those who do not easily stop bleeding from their body, they are dangerous for them to eat excess garlic. Because garlic prevents blood clotting action. As a result, it may be difficult to stop bleeding. Excess garlic may cause allergies in the body without it. It is better to not eat extra garlic in those cases. If you feel embarrassed in your stomach after eating garlic, stop eating garlic. It is better to not give garlic to nursing mothers. Because of drinking garlic, it can cause the child to get pregnant after entering the stomach through the mother's milk. Be cautious about the issues.

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