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If the child does not listen - BD Health Bangla

If the child does not listen
If the child does not listen - BD Health Bangla

Regardless of whether the child or the child, if for some reason, becomes disobedient, then the thought of the parents is not the end. Especially in the face of the future of a rebellious child, parents, and children, Many parents did not think of anything, but they also announced. Again, girls can marry in such a way as possible. But even if the child is disobeyed, do parents have any legal obligations?

What does the law say?
The law does not comply or disobey, nor does any classification. This means that, as much as his child, he must pay the same amount. If the child is adult and active, then the jobless mother-father can claim the opposite. When children are disobedient for a reason, many times parents and children declare them as disfavoured and deprived. Many people try to recognize that the child is disadvantaged in front of the notary public through an affidavit. The son does not become unacceptable when pronounced The law does not validate it.

Many times it is seen that the father declared his son as a disgrace and wrote an affidavit that after his death, that child would not have any partner of the property. There is no legal basis for such a declaration at all. Muslim family law has clearly stated who will inherit the property and how much of their share will be. According to Muslim law, a child inherits his family's property by birth. They can not be denied any of these rights. Any parent can transfer their property to anyone by donation or sale. It should be remembered that in Muslim law, more than one-third cannot be transferred by will. It will be effective after the death of that person. Regardless of whether a parent leaves his property while living or being disobedient, their children after their death will become their heirs to be the property of their property. Children must be the parents' property partners. If a parent wants to deprive their disobedient child of any property, then the property should be given to anyone else by giving up the property or leaving the possession of the property. It is to be remembered that, even after the death of their parents, their property is inherited by their legal heirs. If the child is an adult and parents can become unemployed, then parents can claim support for their child.

The child can not be forced to write property or anything from his parents. If forced to write, then parents and parents can take refuge. Parents can challenge it by asking the child to write it, but parents can challenge it. Even if he has been given a donation, the donation remains unfulfilled if he is not transferred to the property.

Tanzim Al Islam
Lawyers, Bangladesh Supreme Court
Sources - Prothom-Alo.

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